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Making Your Caravan In Northumberland An Environmental Haven


Get the green light…

10 Simple Ways to Make Your Caravan in Northumberland Greener…

  1. Add more items to your recycling list…

We all know to separate our recyclable and non-recyclable items whether it’s paper, card, drinks cans, glass bottles or plastic waste. But why not recycle the less obvious items too, for example, always check the bathroom and the kitchen for empty shampoo and washing up liquid bottles.

  1. Increase your opportunities for recycling…

Pop a small bin in each room to allow more opportunity for recycling, and to remind you to keep separating the rubbish. Perhaps place one near to the sofa for newspapers or magazines, and even in the bedrooms for homeschoolers.

  1. Reduce the amount of food waste going to landfill sites…

Why not try composting your food waste at your caravan in Northumberland, this process sounds time-consuming but it’s simple to set up and has huge benefits for the environment. Follow this link for some helpful instructions for setting one up in an outdoor space

  1. Rinse and repeat…

Remember it’s helpful to wash out grease and food residue left in containers such as bottles, cans and jars. Just a quick rinse to wash them out will do it, no liquid soap or cloths required. This simple process just increases the likelihood that your recyclables will go to the right place, and won’t be seen as ‘contaminated’ and diverted to landfill sites.

  1. Recycle and reuse old tech…

Old and unused printers, photocopiers, chargers and similar electronics can be recycled, exchanged, donated, or passed on to friends and family members, especially with some many more people working from home.

  1. Buy recycled goods locally and keep small businesses going..

Where possible, use the local independent stores around Hexham and Corbridge are ideal places to buy from. Your caravan in Northumberland is surrounded by places that can help you make the most of going greener.

  1. Box clever with the size of your waste

Always remember to flatten and reduce the size of your cardboard boxes and paper items before you put them into the right bin, that way you’ll be able to fit more in, which creates space inside your holiday home.

  1. Up-cycle with love

Why not breathe new life into something, instead of throwing out that old set of drawers or worn-out old chair – see it as an opportunity to create something fresh and useful for your home. Top tips for up-cycling furniture can be found at. Enjoy the creative process and as the weather brightens up for spring, there will be plenty of time for sitting and watching that paint dry on the decking with a nice cup of tea.

family at caravan recycling

  1. Get the whole family involved

Why not teach the children or grandchildren a new skill? By giving young ones new recycling responsibilities and task you’ll be helping them to learn about how simple household changes can help to save our planet.

  1. Recycle locally

Find a recycling facility nearby your caravan in Northumberland – trips to the tip can be fun, you will be surprised what you find and how many things can be recycled. Try checking the council website for advice and information about what can and can’t be recycled there. Support the local community by looking out for local events such as beach and forest clean-ups, and local campaigns to get involved in.

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